Saturday, August 24, 2013

How can work produce LESS anxiety than home

I'm still in my room, still in my bed, and all I can think about is how to get back to the mountains.  It's certainly reserved for Labor Day weekend.  The weekend next is a Saturday night black tie gala fundraiser for a cause I will not miss.

In just a little while, I can take Valium two of the day and will probably be able to emerge shortly thereafter.  I could have already taken it or something else and work myself into a need for inpatient drug treatment, but I'm too smart for that.  I'm too damn stubborn, too.  Although the hospital, now that I've actually seen the inside of it, appears to be a very lovely place.

Instead, I'm just going to put a few things on here that make me laugh but that may not make others laugh.  There's those handful of friends I could show these to who would "get" the humor and sarcasm.  Because that's all it is.  Sarcasm from a brain that constantly is in motion and that functions at a higher level than most.  One point from genius IQ.  and I believe that was operator error and certainly not the error of the operator of the brain but of the examiner.

It takes more sarcasm and stimulation to keep my brain occupied.    Being stupid would be so much easier.

In spite of the IQ, I can't figure how to post the stuff from the device I'm using.  Time.  Valium and time.

At least that's what the doctor says.

The photos.  Let's see how this works.

Some of my favorites.  Certainly more to come.

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