Friday, August 2, 2013


Friday, August 02, 2013

10:11 pm


It’s taken just 29 hours of being in the house in the mountains, alone for the first time in such a long time, that I’m taken back to my single days.  My days which at present were my best.


Added to the mix is Diana Krall on the stereo, one glass of a fine cabernet (having sat in the pantry waiting for me for some time now) already down, and the sounds of crickets and a passing train a long ways away.  To go is a cup of tortilla soup and a second glass of wine.  I’m already walking on my tiptoes.  Feeling feminine.  Sitting with my legs crossed while lounging back in a club chair and sipping my wine.  Enjoying each syllable, every cadence of MY music.


How can I get back here?  This is home.  This is where I belong.  This is where I should have stayed.  This is where I should have remained. 


Cathartic.  Soulful.  Drowns out the dystopia of the world. The only sounds I can hear are pleasing ones.  Ones that make me feel feminine.  Like a prize that has been passed up.  Like an overlooked shell on a beach.  Like the perfect leaf that has fallen from the tree in a forest where no one will ever find me. 


How will I ever leave this?  Why did I ever leave this? 

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